Monday, October 27, 2008

Barack Obama Network Marketing Guru

Barack Obama is the ultimate networker. If I had him on my team I'd be relaxing on the beach with my laptop drinking a margarita. He calls himself an agent for change. Barack knows that many Americans are looking for a change. Many are struggling financially, have lost jobs and homes. What is amazing is how he can command the attention of millions of people when he speaks.

I know by experience that if you can sell your ideas to people you can become wealthy. It's all about getting enough people to come over to your way of thinking. This is what Barack does. He is also a fighter and a competitor. Right now he is running neck and neck with Senator Hillary Clinton. Obama wasn't even expected to do that.

I see a lot of similarities between Barak Obama and successful network marketers. Barack Obama gets the majority of his money from donations. Network Marketers get a majority of their money from their downlines in the form of override commissions.

Barack Obama knows how to sell his ideas. Successful network marketers know how to sell themselves to other people. They know how to command the attention of their prospects and instill confidence in their prospects that they can have success.

Barack Obama knows how to handle adversity. He knows how to play the underdog role. He knows how to compete. He knows how to think big (The White House - The first African-American president) and he believes he can win.

I have not met a successful network marketer in my 15 yrs. as an entrepreneur that did not believe they were going to win. As Entrepreneurs who inspire to live a life on our own terms and who desire to grow personally and financially we can all learn from Barack Obama's example.

If you would like to learn more about me and how your business can benefit from an online marketing system, check out my resources below.

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