Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Are You Going To Watch The Obama 30 Minute Ad?

On Wednesday night, Barack Obama will be running a 30 Minute Ad on National TV. Millions of people will be watching from their living rooms to get the grand finale presentation as the USA rolls into the showdown vote between Barack Obama and John McCain.

The price tag for this infomercial is estimated to be around $3 million. Another indication Barack means business when it comes to winning this election.

Barack Obama has been crowned the the winner by many in the media. Time will tell, but I found his purchasing of 30 minute ad here interesting.

Obama has spent more money on the election than any other politician so this last up and personal infomercial is one more chance for the public to decide if Barack is the man for the next 4 years.

What do you think?

Whoever you decide to vote for -- really doesn't matter -- just be sure to vote.

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